General Medicine Department

Medicine Specializes in providing medical support to adults and children who suffer from lifestyle diseases Such As:

1. Assessment of diseases, investigation review, and treatment.
2. Management of lifestyle disorders – Diabetes, Hypertension, and Obesity.
3. Management of allergies and respiratory issues.
4. Management of communicable and infectious diseases- Malaria, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Dengue, Fever, etc.
5. Management of common ailments- sore throat, cold & flu, headaches, ear infections, urinary tract infections, hepatitis, etc.
6. Management and counseling for elderly patients.
7. Preventive health check for all age groups and genders.
8. Environmental diseases and occupational diseases.
9. Animal bites.
10. Drug overdose & poisoning.
11. Pre-operative assessment and management of patients undergoing surgery

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